Quick and Short Six the Musical Costume Update (AUSTRALIA)

Cleves: The sleeves look like they're cut differently now; the sleeves of the Australian version stick out at more of an upward angle than the West End costume's sleeves. 

The stripes on the top are positioned differently as well. In the original West End version, the silver beading is positioned close to the bottom of the black fur stripes, while the Australian version has silver beading at the top and bottom of the red stripes It also looks like the red in the Australian costume stripes have some sort of pattern on them, regularly spaced out dots. It's not quite clear in the photos whether these dots are beads, cloth, leather imprint, or what have you, but it's definitely there. 

The original Cleves collar is significantly higher than the Australian version. 

The Cleves shorts still have chains, but they're much more complicated than they used to be. There's now a peplum detail along the top of the shorts under the red stripe/silver beading and red and black stripes are laid out in a chevron pattern on both sides of the shorts. 

The Australia Cleves costume most resembles the teal costume shorts (Cleves variation) worn by Cherelle Jay of the West End cast, but her shorts appear to just have diagonal stripes on the side rather than chevrons.

Howard :UPDATED 01/15/2020: Actually, I just found out about the Bryony Duncan Howard outfit, and that’s obviously the closest ancestor to this updated skirt. The Australia Howard skirt also appears to be more structured and sticks out further, which may be due to the hatched fabric's stiffness and/or the different cuts of the fabrics used on the skirt. It may also be slightly shorter than the West End version; it's hard to tell.

[original musings] It looks like the same black striped mesh fabric is in use all over both the West End and the Australia outfits, but the pink fabric has changed up a bit. In addition to the original sheer pink fabric used on the skirt, there's now a slightly less sheer pink fabric with black hatching on it; the skirt's panels alter between sheer and sheer with hatching and there's now a bottom border of the sheer with hatching fabric. There's also more silver beading throughout the skirt. This fabric with hatching is also incorporated into the alternating style panels on the bodice and on the bodice's top sleeves. It also looks like the hatching fabric may be used on the back of the bodice as well. 

The Howard changes look like they incorporate a lot of the styles found [in the opalescent pink alternate costume skirt currently worn by Zara MacIntosh in the west end cast, the black alternate costume skirt worn by Colette Guitart in the West End Cast (which has more of the sheer alternating fabric panels look), and the teal alternate costume skirt worn by Jennifer Caldwell on the UK Tour.]