My First Short Story eBook is up on Amazon!

Yesterday I published my first volume in Antiquicats: Felines of History on Amazon! I’m super excited about this. Link:

the caterer cover.JPG

It’s currently priced at $2.99 so I can keep it in the Kindle Unlimited program; I’ll be offering some free promotions for it soon, but am still figuring out all the details of it. I also need to figure out how to format it for print, in case anyone would like a physical copy to hold. There’s a lot to learn with self-publishing and promotion! I’ll definitely share it here as soon as I’ve figured it out.

Doesn’t that cover look amazing? Erica Noorderrmeer designed it after seeing my own feeble cover design attempts in a arts and crafts Facebook group; I love it way too much!

I’ve started work on my next AntiquiCats story and hope to have it up in July! It mayyyy be about an ancient battle between the Persians and Egyptians. More news soon!