My New Short Story Publication is Out!

So I’ll have a nice long proper blog post up here soon, but I’m a bit behind this week because of the production of Richard III I’m stage managing right now - it goes up this weekend, so we’re in Tech Week rehearsals all this week!

In the meantime though, my newest short story is out in Pure Slush’s anthology “The Shitlist.” I’m super excited about this anthology concept and wanted to be part of it the moment I heard of it. Quonsettville’s Chief Librarian Euphoria Rivers has left town for good; as she left, she sent a letter to the local paper with a shitlist of all the people in town who drove her away. This anthology explains how each person got on that list! 

My story features Euphoria Rivers’ battle with Jean-Pierre Pelletier, a newcomer who just bought Quonsettville’s historic tannery and plans to paint flames all over it in honor of his favorite band (Pantera). In her role as vice-president of the town’s historical preservation league, Euphoria simply CANNOT allow this to happen. Shenanigans ensue. The entire story is told by Riley, Pelletier’s teleworking and solitary neighbor who really just wants everyone to stop trying to pull her into the argument.

There are short excerpts from all the stories here, and the anthology itself should be a fast read, since all the stories are 1,500 words or less.

The paperback version is out now and there will be more formats available soon!